Data-to-Action Continuum Country Profile

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Indicator Response Year Source

NTP Laboratory and Workforce Capacity

Laboratory centers

Total number of laboratories conducting TB diagnosis
Microscopy centers (#)
GeneXpert sites (#)
Culture laboratories (#)
Reference laboratories (#)
Does a lab referral network exist? (Yes/No)

Human resources

NTP staff supported by government (#)
NTP M&E staff supported by government (#)
Resources allocated towards M&E or TB M&E ($)
TB/HIV officers recruited under partners support absorbed into payroll (# or %)

TB Health Financing

WHO recommended level for the country
TB treatment is free
People eligible for exemptions who receive those exemptions (%)
Proportion of population with TB who received social protection under the national health insurance scheme (%)
Proportion of health budget allocated to TB services (%)
Proportion of annual TB budget funded by donors (%)
Proportion of domestic TB financing (%)
Proportion of cases that led to catastrophic costs due to TB (%)

Research and Development

Proportion of national TB budget allocated to research (%)
Surveys and research being conducted (e.g., prevalence surveys)